Saturday, April 28, 2012

Stop over in Florianopolis, Brazil: worth more than a stop over

After a disappointment of not fulfilling Bibby's dream to see Iguazu falls from the Brazil side, almost getting stuck at the Brazil boarder because it was Sunday and the banks were closed to exchange our arg pesos for brazilian reals, followed by our second night on a  bus and a several mile hunt with overloaded backpacks on to find our hidden hostel we discovered ourselves shirts-off and bikinis-on in this slice of brazilian paradise....
up until this point Brazil was just a legend...our first day in Florianopolis proved this legend to be true; its a land made of fresh fruit, surf, southern hemisphere sun, and a kick back culture that makes it impossible not to be happy.

Bibby waiting patiently for out first meal; fresh fruit smoothies, the birth place of acai!

The shore break was covered in these tiny jelly bean sized jellies. Ashore it looked as if the beach had been sprinkled with diamonds. While trying to body surf and enjoy waves on my skin once again all my mind could think about was these bitsy these attacking me. I swear they stung, no one else seemed to notice but they most definitely did.

hiking along the sea scape listening to men scream like boys as iguanas cruised past. 

when you love a place hearts appear everywhere... well as the coors light sales girls offering free samples. "Coors light aye, Ive heard the ol' USofA folk love that brew, yes of course i'll give it a try...Wow! it taste like beer flavored water! Amazing!!!!"

For a rainy Valentines day Bibby and I took a several hr windy bus ride to the other side of the island to try out this sea food local joint

Every good local spot has their own shot of mystery liquor to start the meal off right.

Stuffed crab and a sangria style Caipirinha...cheers!

There are many more pictures and stories in between our acai smoothies and rainy valentines day, The pics: I need to get my act together and knowledge of technology and the interwebs up to snuff so I can get them from Bibby. But the stories are plenty. Involving hitching a ride when the bus from the beach back to our hostel didn't show which lead to a night of dance parties on private beaches till the sun rose. And a day of inflatable boat rides to near by islands to learn about the flora and fauna of this tropical paradise ("there are 2 types of birds here is Florianopolis: black, white, and brown"). This was a stop I wish was more than just a stop on our way to else where. It was a tropical paradise I want more of and deserves more time in.

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