Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Sister Sister

So this is a long over due but necessary documented post...it isnt everyday the small sisters are let loose on a country and here's what happens:

After 3 hrs at the boarder crossing in the Andes from Chile to Argentina at 3am in the morning. At the end of the 3 hr wait to cross the bus decided not to start back up so we all unloaded the bus and the men were told to push, Leslie and I stood shivering inside my sleeping bag glad sexism existed in this moment. 

Made it to the vineyards framed by the Andes mountains in Mendoza. This was supposed to be the most relaxing Napa-esk part of our ventures but while biking from winery to winery we stopped to take a picture of the stunning view and had a 2 maned moto attempt to swipe my purse and camera out of person, the only thing they escaped with was my $10 Target watch and a sturdy scream from Leslie. My entire time traveling i've never been robbed....I guess there is a time for everything.

a nice break from the wineries at a german brewery: possibly my favorite spot on the bike tour

 Leslie and my reactions to the tasting of absinthe we got at the liquor and chocolate stop

Ruca Malen: best decision made in Mendoza

wine tour followed by a 4 course food and wine pairing. Les and I fit in perfectly with all the romantic couples we shared the meal with.

In a sea of wine glasses

course 1: lox and apple salad

course 2: rice and veal wrapped in a grape leaf served on a hot rock

course 3: steak with root veggies and a magical sauce
course 4: dessert (disappeared to fast to be recorded)

After a quick trip into the Andes and of course lots of wine we headed to Buenos Aires....

A rainy day city tour started with a coffee at the theater turned book store. The cafe is on the stage looking out into the audience of books.

Recoletta cemetery tour: dramatized by the rainy day

rainy day tour ended by dodging rain bullets at Cafe Tortoni where everyone that is anyone takes their coffee


Dan was given the world (on a very old piece of paper)

The kids looking "stunning"

typing lesson

And this is what the big kids do on Christmas.....blow s*#%t up!!!

shooting off fireworks in the city means watching them bounce off the neighboring apartment high rises

Christmas day sight seeing: Casa Rosada

La Boca

La Boca was originally a villa (a poor barrio/neighborhood) where, as the story has it, tango first formulated. The people were supposedly so poor here that they couldn't afford enough of one color of paint to cover their homes so they used the left over cans from the rich city slickers and thus have multi colored homes.

history lessons on the famous trio 
(female politician, futbol star, and actor)

The trip ended with Leslie getting left in Buenos Aires using her perfected pouty lipped tactics to get her cleared through customs 24 hrs later as I headed to the sunny white sand and crystal clear waters of Roatan, Honduras to spend New Years with the parents

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