Monday, October 10, 2011

detour #1: Berkley

After over 2 months of living, working, and playing in the male dominant boating culture of Miami I was finding myself sneaking away to watch "sex in the city" and "Say yes to the dress" desperate to connect with my gender. Needless to say, this is not acceptable behavior so when I saw some flight deals that would take me strait to some quality girl time no amount of money, time, or work was gonna keep me away. So, after a day of cooking and cleaning I followed my female instincts and jumped a plane monday evening to San Francisco starving for the consumption of every moment with my sister and Bibby.  And that I did... along with more food than any three girls should admit to devouring in a span of 2 days. 

First stop: Buena Vista for top notch irish coffees

 2am free baked goods from the Boudin late night bakers

why the chicken crossed the road 

Fried chicken sandwich's taste so much better after a 2 hour walk in boots and blisters from Berkley to Oakland for the infamous Bake Sale Betty's simple yet delicious iron board dining experience.

Lavender martini from Skates on the bay, favorite candle/cleaner smell makes a darn good martini. Now I just need to get back to Berkley to try out the bloody mary from ACME bar that is adorned with a skewer of meat.

Free meal #2 at Cheese Board: olive tapernad pizza of the day with a side of  local restaurant must eats from the chef 

La Nota french breakfast around the corner from Les's apartment: serves their coffee in a bowl, Berkley has me dialed.

La Nota romantic breakfast nook with Bibby: strait from the oven baguettes with goat cheese, sun-dried tomatoes and fresh basil. Brioche orange water cinnamon french toast with lavender honey

 The only non-food-focused event of the trip

Calamari ceviche impulsive snack stop along the warf on the way to lunch at Geherdelli...nothing pairs better than squid and chocolate

 Down a dark side ally and across from the dragon shop you will find a small door leading to a closet sized room filled floor to ceiling with fortune cookies and an old man, named Fu Ling Yu, dictating the futures and fortunes of many with in a delicious treat

No better way to end a 2 day stint of new flavors and old friends than some creatively poured cocktails at the San Fran speak easy with those i love easily and mightily.

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